Gaggia Super-Automatic vs Gaggia Semi-Automatic

Super-Automatic espresso machines are a one-stop wonder that does everything for you! Just put in your beans, then the machine tamps, pre-infuses and brews a perfect cup of coffee, and then (!) dispenses the used grinds into an internal dump box. All have built-in grinders and various levels of pre-programmable features. Plus no mess! However, the jury is still 'out' on whether all the bells and whistles justify the price increase relative to the taste of the product, but if you're interested in this machine (?) you already know that you're lazy and all you care about is getting your coffee of a consistant taste and most importantly; now! Of course, these machines aren't only for the lazy with too much money - they are actually really practical in an office situations where there are mixed skill/appreciation levels - if you're a 'corporate', more buttons and options means more professional, right?

Prices range: $0.00 - $20,595.00

Semi-Automatic espresso machines the more traditional ones you're used to seeing in your friends houses - they have a portafilter handle that you fill and lock into place. They accept ground-coffee or 'pods'  but... results can vary! It this variety of taste that makes the machines popular by those who love to control their own extraction and like a cafĂ©-quality cup of espresso.
Just to add a little bit of confusion; Semi-automatics can also be sub-categorized into 'traditional' or 'automatics' (with the programmable cup size feature).

Prices Range: $0.00 - $6,495.00

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